Stu filmjei
Mia 2005.07.08. 14:03
Sok szuper filmje van, de a legjobb mgis csak A krhozottak kirlynje!
Head in the Clouds (2003) ....Guy Shade (2003) - A nagy trkk The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen - (2003)- A szvetsg ....Dorian Gray Trapped (2002) -24 ra ....Dr. Will Jennings Queen of the Damned (2002) - A krhozottak kirlynje....Lestat de Lioncourt About Adam (2000)....Adam Mauvaise passe, aka The Escort, aka The Wrong Blonde....Tom The Venice Project (1999)....Lark/Gippo the Fool Wonderland (1999)- Csodaorszg....Tim Simon Magus (1999) - Simon mgus....Dovid Resurrection Man (1998)....Victor Kelly Under the Skin (1997)....Tom Shooting Fish (1997)....Jez Trojan Eddie (1996)....Dermot