s most a mveirl
Bloody Mary 2005.01.14. 14:27
Kellemes olvasst!
Valdi s mvsznevei:Anne Rice,Anne Rampling s A.N.Roquelaure.
Knyvei: The Vampire Chronicles, The Mayfair Witches, New Tales of the Vampires series,(1. nv alatt),
Exit to Eden,Belinda,(2. nv alatt),
s a Beauty Series.
A vmprkrnikk:
Interj a vmprral,Lestat a vmpr,A krhozottak kirlynje s The Tale of the Body Thief,Memnoch the Devil,The Vampire Armand,Merrick,Blood and Gold,Blackwood Farm,Blood Canticle
Az j vmprtrtnetek:
A Mayfair-i boszorknyok:
The Witching hour,Taltos,Lasher
Beauty Series:
The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty,Beauty’s Release,Beauty’s Punishment
The Feast of All Saints,Cry to Heaven,The Mummy,Servant of the Bones,Violin,Exit to Eden,Belinda,The master of Rampling Gate
Megfilmestettk Az interj a vmprralt,a Menekls denbe-t s A Krhozottak kirlynjt. Tovbb sorozat kszlt a The Feast of all Saints,s a The Witching Hour-bl. Sajnos Magyarorszgon csak nhny knyvt adtk ki s azokat is nehz megszerezni.:((((